You can enjoy the authentic taste of spices and other ingredients you get from home. Tacos, a taste of Mexican street corners. Please enjoy it in a stylish shop or on a pleasant terrace.
Shop List
You can enjoy the authentic taste of spices and other ingredients you get from home. Tacos, a taste of Mexican street corners. Please enjoy it in a stylish shop or on a pleasant terrace.
We offer a lot of cute adult hair accessories that match not only Japanese clothes but also clothes. You can choose the Kanzashi ball to make your favorite combination, and it can be more gorgeous depending on your mood and where you put it! How…
There are many kinds of jars in our shop, so why not try making a rich “original” old sake brewing? If you choose “Awamori”, please come to Awamori storehouse!
Okonomi-yaki OSHINO
Original okonomiyaki has a special taste. Depot ware (American style) and Chilean Mexican ware are very popular. Tegu porcelain is also abundant, and Agu using local pigs has a reputation of being delicious! The interior of the restaurant is a retro space that reminds of…
Okinawaya Mihama Shop
Eye-catching characters greet everyone at the storefront! We have a large collection of limited-edition Okinawan character goods, awamori, candy, etc. Your targets are limited-edition items that are only available here! It is a shop that many local residents also visit.
Pocke farm
Okinawa/American/Mexican flavors are mixed well, letting you enjoy the perfect balance and fresh taste. We especially recommend Pocke Farm’s original “Tacomoco rice.” As may be expected from its popularity, it is an excellent menu item! Hamburgers and hotdogs also have exceptionally delicious American tastes! How…
We have a large assortment of very cool children’s clothing! They all come in designs that even adults would want to wear. Of course, coordination is also possible so that parents and children can wear matching pairs! We are planning to offer SKIP original items,…
Re;MELO (リメロ)
メロンパンを再構築(Re;)してスイーツにしました。 わたしたちが作った<リメロ>を是非!! アメリカンビレッジにオープンした沖縄初メロンパンスイーツ専門店!従来のメロンパンのイメージを覆す、キューブ型でカラフルなメロンパンスイーツです。化学調味料を一切使用せず良質な食材を使用していますので安心安全に食べていただけます。尚、SDGsにのっとり、照明机テーブルなどの装飾に再利用の物を使用しており、高級な雰囲気でRe;MELOらしくキューブ型にこだわった内装になってます。
Hakata Yakiniku Tenjin
Hakata Yakiniku Tenjin offers confidently selected meat. Enjoy the meat with a secret sauce that you cannot eat anywhere else.
An American atmosphere hangs over the interior of SOHO, which is lined with imported items. The shop is a treasure trove of items you can only find in the United States! We propose American style items from various aspects such as military, Hawaiian, bikers, and…
american depot
At “American Depot,” products directly imported from the United States are displayed close to each other, with American lifestyle as a theme. Men’s and ladies’ wear, stationary goods, miscellaneous household goods, and other items that have been proposed centering on the concept of American visual…
FUKUGIYA CAFE では、沖縄県産豚肉や県産鶏肉やオージービーフを使用した低温調理の肉料理。 自家製パンで作るサンドイッチやこだわりの料理。 店内で自家焙煎している芳香な香りのコーヒー & 特製スイーツをお楽しみいただけます。 お土産にも喜ばれる『バウムクーヘン専門店 ふくぎや』のバウムクーヘンの販売もしております。 テラス席もあり、沖縄の風を感じられるくつろぎの空間でリラックスタイムをお過ごしください。
Sugarcrepe (シュガークレープ)
LOLO’s character is popular! Customers repeatedly say, “It’s so cute!” when they look at our original design items such as parent-child paired T-shirts, kids’ T-shirts, rompers, tote bags, tin badges, and straps. We have a large collection of products that the family can enjoy. We…
HabuBox Mihama
The second shop of Habu Box, the pioneering brand of Okinawan T-shirts that have continued to be made for 32 years. We have a large collection of original goods only available here and unique items that use Okinawa as a motif.☆ The high quality products…
The hot dock here uses 100% frank beef with unique spices. Authentic hot dogs that push the authentic taste and taiko of Americans in Japan. The mischievous characters are also very popular among locals and tourists with their help.